Technology centre Leartiker S.Coop. from Markina-Xemein joins BRTA
The Leartiker technology centre, located in Markina-Xemein, is now a new member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), a collaborative network that brings together 17 scientific and technological agents and aims to turn the research power of the Basque Country into a benchmark at the European level.
The accreditation that Leartiker achieved last May as a Multifocalised Technology Centre by the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) positions it among the leading technology centres within the framework of Basque R&D+I. This new incorporation into the BRTA alliance it yet another step forward in the extraordinary growth that the Centre has undergone in recent years.
Leartiker’s official membership ceremony was celebrated this morning at BRTA’s headquarters, located in the Gipuzkoa municipality of Mendaro. The event was hosted by the Regional Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, Arantxa Tapia, and attended by the General Manager of BRTA, Rikardo Bueno, and the General Manager of Leartiker, Amaia Egia.
“Leartiker excels both for the high rate of technology transfer of the projects it develops, thanks to its location close to regional businesses, and for its high degree of internationalisation. Its incorporation into BRTA is excellent news that boosts the diversification and specialisation of our alliance and makes a decisive contribution to our work to enhance the competitiveness of Basque companies, promote their innovation and strengthen the role of the Basque Country as one of the European Union’s highly innovative regions”, said Bueno.
Amaia Egia, Leartiker General Manager, said that her company’s membership in the BRTA confirms “Leartiker’s commitment to technological development as an essential tool for the competitive growth of the Basque business sector and the commitment of a highly qualified and specialised team, focused on local collaboration, but with a global outlook that always aims for an international scope”. She also thanked the company’s workers and institutions. “We’ve had a long journey, and I would like to acknowledge the companies and institutions that have helped us to get this far, and our employees’ commitment most of all. Many thanks to the team, the companies and institutions, especially the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government, who have supported us. Eskerrik asko”.
Arantxa Tapia took the floor to close the event. “Today I’d like to underscore the efforts made by the entire highly qualified and motivated Leartiker team, which has made this possible. Its roots in Bizkaia, in the Lea Artibai region, its proximity to SMEs and its passion for service, staying true to its origins as a training centre. Its developments are original and round out what we already had in the BRTA”. The Minister concluded by saying that, “we’ve gained a little more muscle with the addition of Leartiker,”.
Leartiker thus becomes the first agent to join the Basque Research Technology Alliance (BRTA) since it was created in 2019 thanks to the support of the Basque public administration, through the Basque Government, the provincial councils of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and the SPRI Group.
Leartiker Technology Centre promotes the use of technology and innovation as a tool for competitive business growth, generating and developing multi-technological knowledge. In addition, and where Leartiker is particularly outstanding, is in the high rate of technology transfer of these activities to research areas aligned with the Basque Country’s established priorities, as a result of the close collaboration between the Centre and companies.
Leartiker excels in the two technologies in which it specialises, polymers and food.
In polymer technology, with a special focus on the concept of design for polymeric material manufacturing, Leartiker works on everything from the development of different materials to their manufacturing processes, including the classification of materials and products and their digitalisation using advanced simulation techniques.
It has two main specialisations:
- SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: comprehensive development of reliable, lightweight and silent polymeric structures (“Smart Industry” strategic priority, Basque Country Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030″ (PCTI 2030)).
- HEALTH: Development of medical devices and research in polymeric materials for advanced therapies such as tissue engineering and rapid diagnostics (“Personalised Health” strategic priority, PCTI 2030).
In food technology, centred on the concept of “healthy food”, Leartiker is committed to innovation as its core strategy for helping to improve the competitiveness of agri-food industries, incorporating innovative culture into company strategies and promoting projects to enhance the value of agri-food products by diversifying and adapting processes through the transfer of technology.
- PREST is the specialisation that focuses on promoting the development of new value-added products made from raw materials of vegetable and meat sources, in collaboration with local companies and farmers, creating unique and new healthy and sustainable foods that help companies to improve their competitiveness and stand out in today’s market.
- ESNEKI ZENTROA, Leartiker Dairy Centre launched in February 2021 and collaborates mainly with small artisan dairy producers, helping them improve their processes and the quality of the dairy products they produce, as well as assisting with innovation and diversification projects designed to enhance their competitiveness. Esneki Zentroa aims to be a benchmark in the dairy sector.
LEARTIKER 2025 Strategic Plan
The main objectives of the new Strategic Plan include growing our team and doctors to 52 and 15 respectively and generating a turnover of €4.5M. Through collaborative projects, Leartiker aims to specialise more in knowledge to set the company apart and turn it into a singular technological leader. Strengthening internationalisation is another of the aspects on which the Centre will focus thanks to its recent BRTA membership. In addition, promoting internationalisation and implementing the company’s own in-house method for attracting and retaining talent are also some of its main challenges.
BRTA is an alliance formed by four collaborative research centres (CIC BioGUNE, CIC NanoGUNE, CIC BiomaGUNE and CIC EnergiGUNE) and 13 technology centres (Azterlan, Azti, Ceit, Cidetec, Gaiker, Ideko, Ikerlan, Leartiker, Lortek, Neiker, Tecnalia, Tekniker and Vicometch) and aims to develop advanced technological solutions for the Basque business sector.
With the support of the Basque Government, the SPRI Group and the Provincial Councils of the three Basque regions, the alliance seeks to promote collaboration between its member centres, boost the conditions for generating and transmitting knowledge to companies as a way to enhance their competitiveness and project the Basque scientific-technological capacity on an international level.
The BRTA centres have a staff of 3,500 professionals, account for 22% of R&D investment in the Basque Country, have an annual turnover of over €300M and produce 100 European and international patents a year.