The Know N Cheese cross-border project carries out a diagnosis of cheese consumption habits The Know N Cheese cross-border project carries out a diagnosis of cheese consumption habitsRead More
GAZTANOLA, obtaining scientific evidence applicable to the process for requesting the use of wooden shelves in the Basque Country GAZTANOLA, obtaining scientific evidence applicable to the process for requesting the use of wooden shelves in the Basque CountryRead More
The blue cheese ‘ERREKA’, produced by Kortariko Borda (Lekaroz), wins the 3rd ESNEKI Cheese and Dairy Competition in the Basque Country The blue cheese ‘ERREKA’, produced by Kortariko Borda (Lekaroz), wins the 3rd ESNEKI Cheese and Dairy Competition in the Basque CountryRead More
Getting to know the secrets of cheese affinage Getting to know the secrets of cheese affinageRead More